Southwest 89th Update

On the west side, work continues, and the road has remained open to traffic since its opening on August 19th. Several concrete panels did not meet the project's specifications and will need to be replaced, but the contractor will wait and replace them closer to the end of the project. The road is anticipated to remain open to traffic while those repairs are completed.

Work on the project's east side has been limited due to conflicts with utilities. Rudy Construction has been on-site performing work when possible and assisting AT&T Fiber & OEC Fiber with their utility relocations. The provider removed the final utility conflict late in the day on August 28th. With utilities clear of construction, the contractor anticipates much faster progress. Earthwork has been completed, and the contractor will begin installing the aggregate base. Concrete work will begin the week of August 9th.

Construction on the traffic signal started the week of August 2nd. Intermittent lane closures along SH-4 are anticipated during pole bases and traffic signal hardware installation. The project is expected to be completed by the end of September.