Water down the drain

Not everything can go down the drain. Your household plumbing (drains from sinks, showers, toilets, etc.) is attached to a network of City sewage pipes that eventually flow to the Mustang Water Reclamation Facility (MWRF.)  It's meant for urine, feces, and toilet paper. When other things go down the drain, they cause problems.

Sanitary Products, Paper Towels, Diapers, Baby Wipes, and Facial Tissues are made of materials that don't break down and can cause all pipes to clog. The trash is the place for these items.

Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) should never be poured down the sink or garbage disposal. FOG sticks to the interior surface of the sewer pipes, hardens over time, and eventually may cause sewage to back up and lead to a sewage spill in your home or on our streets. Running hot water as you pour the grease down the drain will not help either. Many people are unaware that pouring hot water and detergent down the drain only breaks up grease temporarily. The best way to get rid of small amounts of FOG is to let it cool/harden, mix it with other absorbent materials, place it in a bag or container, and then throw it in the trash.

Prescription Drugs and over-the-counter Medications contain chemicals you don't want entering the wastewater supply. The MWRF isn't designed to remove those chemicals from the water. The best way to dispose of items like these is to make them undesirable, such as crushing them and mixing them with coffee grounds, kitty litter, or dirt before sealing them in a plastic bag and disposing of them in the trash.

Kitty Litter (especially clay kitty litter) will sooner or later clog your pipes, even the ones that claim to be "flushable." Far more problematic is Toxoplasmosis, a parasite found in cat waste that is harmful to marine biology. It's better to keep your cat waste out of wastewater and put it in the trash.

Household hazardous materials such as motor oil, pesticides, paint, and solvents should never be poured down the drain. They are all highly toxic and will cause long-term damage to the environment.

Other things like food, coffee grounds, eggshells, hair, dental floss, etc., should not be put down the sewer. These clog pipes and are difficult to remove.