The City of Mustang will be providing an "Employee Spotlight" each month so that citizens can learn more about the public servants that contribute to our City running smoothly. The Employee Spotlight will feature answers to a series of questions about the selected employee, the department and position they serve in, and unique likes and interests of the employee.
The August Employee Spotlight is Lisa Martin, City Clerk.
How long have you worked for the City of Mustang? I have worked as the Mustang City Clerk for 10 years.
Where were you born? I was born and raised in Sayre, Oklahoma. For those who don’t know where that is, it’s on I-40 west about 20 miles from the Texas panhandle.
How long have you lived in Mustang? I moved to Tuttle a little over a year ago, but lived in Mustang for approximately 20 years prior to moving.
Are you married? If so for how long? Children? My husband passed away four years ago, but we had been married for 32 years. I have a son, Ty Martin, and daughter, Kodi Collinson, married to my son-in-love Jeremy Collinson, who is a Police Officer for the City of Mustang. I have 3 beautiful grandchildren, Ayden - 9, Brantlee – 8, and Blakeleigh – 4 months.
What do you enjoy the most about working for the City of Mustang? I learn a lot working for the City and hope when someone calls, I’m able to answer questions or point them in the right direction. Many times the questions are not a City function, but I try my hardest to get them to someone who can help. I’ve talked with folks regarding a bee nest on their front porch (not wanting to harm them, just relocate them) to wanting to know how to contact the White House and everywhere in between. I also enjoy interacting with the City Council. You get to know some pretty remarkable people who give their time (with zero compensation for those who don’t know) researching, studying, answering phone calls, emails, and doing what they feel is best for the City of Mustang.
What project have you been a part of while employed by the City of Mustang that you enjoyed the most? In 2019, the City’s insurance carrier, Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group (OMAG), implemented a Recognition Program where if certain steps were met by the City Council, the City would be reimbursed a portion of their insurance premium. I enjoyed implementing this program on behalf of the City, writing a Council Handbook, scheduling training, etc. Since the program began in 2019, the City has been reimbursed approximately $43,000 of its insurance premiums.
Favorite Food? This is a tough one because it depends on the category (meat, side dish, dessert, etc), but if I had to choose one, I have loved for as long as I can remember, mashed potatoes and corn mixed together lol. I also love Cherry Pie ala mode.
Favorite Recording Artist? Again, tough. It depends on the genre of music, but choosing only one, I would choose Fleetwood Mac. We even had one of their songs, “Songbird”, sang at our wedding. I also love Chris Stapleton.
Do you have a secret skill or talent? I played the flute throughout school and was a twirler in high school. I can also bend all my fingers at the first knuckle while keeping the rest of my finger straight lol.
You attend many Municipal Clerks and Treasures conferences and training opportunities. Please describe what certifications and/or classes you have found the most helpful to you and why? The most helpful classes would be the ones pertaining to agendas, open meetings, and open records. It is very important that the public be informed in a timely manner of items to be discussed, and all is completed according to law. At the City, one of our major goals is to be transparent and we strive for that in all areas and this training is very beneficial in achieving this.
Pictured are (front row) Ayden and Brantlee; (second row) Kodi, Blakeleigh, and Lisa; (third row) Jeremy and Ty.