Utility Disconnect
Delinquent Accounts: A notice of intent to interrupt service shall be mailed to the customer at least eight (8) calendar days prior to the cut-off. Once the bill has become thirty days old, service will be interrupted and the meter locked(Ord 1106). To have service restored, the bill must be paid in full and an administrative of $25.00 paid(Ord 1106). Where the customer’s service has been disconnected four or more times during the prior twelve months, a chronic disconnect fee of $75.00 shall be added to the customer’s utility bill(Ord 1106). Services which were discontinued for delinquent or non-payment will only be restored during the normal working hours, Monday through Thursday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. and Friday 8:00a.m. to 11:30a.m.
When the account remains unpaid on the 4th calendar day, following cutoff, it will be off and locked. When an account has been off and locked and the lock has been tampered with or removed a fee of $110.00 will be assessed to the account and the meter will be removed from the location. An additional fee of $40.00 shall be charged to reset the meter.
Understanding that circumstances happen, each customer is allotted two(2) deferrals per calendar year in order to help assist the need of a delayed payment. A deferral must be completed and signed in person at City Hall before the scheduled cutoff day.
The account holder is the only person who can terminate a utility account. In order to terminate service, please complete and return the "Termination of Service" form to the Utility Department. In the event of a death, power of attorney, etc.. a copy of proper documentation must be presented to the Utility Department in order to change a name or terminate an account. NOTE: By policy you will be required to provide the last four of the SSN associated with an account in order to request any information.
For additional information regarding billing, cutoffs, fees or deferrals, please contact the Utility Department at (405) 376-4521. Pay your utility bill using Auto-Bill payment service or pay your bill online.