The Mustang American Legion, partnering with the City of Mustang, presented the Employee of the Year, Police Officer of the Year, and Firefighter of the Year at Tuesday evening's regular meeting of the Mustang City Council.
Andrea Robertson - Andrea began her employment with the City of Mustang in July of 2009 and has faithfully served the City of Mustang for nearly 14 years. She is a lifelong resident of Mustang and a graduate of Mustang High School. Andrea has excelled in many areas within the Finance Department and has been a vital and important member of the Utility Division serving over 8,000 customers. Andrea also holds the title of Deputy Court Clerk and has an overall knowledge of court laws and its system. She is always willing to take on new challenges and works hard to accomplish all tasks in a timely manner.
William Carpenter - Lt. William Carpenter started with the Mustang Police Department in July of 2013 and has faithfully served the City of Mustang for nearly 10 years. William worked as a patrol officer before being promoted to a Patrol Sergeant in 2016. In 2019 William was assigned to the Criminal Investigations Division, where he served as a detective until being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in July of 2021. Since his promotion, Lt. Carpenter has served as a detective and supervisor within his division.
Most notably, among William's offerings to community, is the decision he and his family made to provide the ultimate need to another human being, through adoption. The Carpenter family has been enhanced by the sacrificial efforts they make daily to nurture, love and provide for someone they now call family. These actions come as no surprise, as William's consistent drive to care for those he is surrounded by is so evident. He is not only a leader within the Mustang Police Department, he is an exceptional example of one who truly cares for his community.
Allen Sylvester - Chief Sylvester began his firefighting career as a volunteer with the Mustang Fire Department in 1997. In August of 2001, Chief Sylvester transitioned into a full- time career firefighter with Mustang Fire Department. Over the course of his career, he has served at every level within the department, and was promoted to the rank of Battalion Chief in January of this year. Chief Sylvester was raised in Mustang and is a Graduate of Mustang High School. He takes pride in his community and in his department, which has been demonstrated throughout his career by the dedication of his service. Allen is a graduate of the Oklahoma Executive Fire Officers Program, is a National Fire Academy Alumni member, and continually looks for opportunities to improve his professional development.
Chief Sylvester was assigned to spearhead the build of a new command vehicle, which will be used by the Battalion Chiefs in hazardous responses. This project required planning and negotiating with multiple vendors. Allen was able to balance the timing of the overall project and was successful at bringing the project in under budget. Chief Sylvester was also tasked with assuring Station #2 had all needed supplies and furnishings prior to opening. Allen has performed exceptional in this area. Allen has been able to negotiate significant cost savings with area vendors to limit the overall expenditures of the project. He has also been diligent to assure the delivery and installation of all needed items.
Congratulations Andrea, William, and Allen...We are proud of you and thank you for your continued public service!