Internet Use Policy
General Computer Usage Rules
The Mustang Public Library provides computers and Internet access for public use.
Users must:
Read and agree to the Public Computer and Internet Use Policy.
Have an account in good standing with the Mustang Public Library. (Exceptions to this rule are made for out of town visitors. Temporary use is granted.)
Be eleven years of age and older.
Users may not:
Make any attempt to damage computer equipment or software.
Make any attempt to alter hardware or software configurations.
Install, download or delete any software in the Library’s computers.
Violate copyright laws or software licensing agreements in their use of Library workstations or personal device using the Library’s Wi-Fi access.
Use any Library workstation, or personal device accessing the Library’s Wi-Fi, for illegal or criminal purpose, including the viewing of illegally downloaded movies, games or any electronic material deemed “Harmful to Minors,” as stated in Oklahoma State Statute Title 21, Chapter 39, Section 1040.76.
Use any Library workstation, or personal device accessing the Library’s Wi-Fi, for viewing illegal materials as determined by Oklahoma State Statute, Title 21, Chapter 39.
Engage in any activity that is deliberately and maliciously offensive, libelous or slanderous.
Information Regarding the Internet
Information found on the Internet is not controlled by the Library. The Library is not responsible for the accuracy or content of materials retrieved from the Internet. A vast array of information is available online, including up-to-the-minute news, weather and sports. Resources from encyclopedias, magazines, newspapers and books are also available. Please ask a library staff person to show you valid resources.
Information for Parents
The Internet can be a valuable educational resource for children. However, due to its unregulated nature, there are sites that parents may feel are inappropriate for their children. The Library staff is sensitive to this fact but are unable to monitor the Internet activities of each child using the Internet. Parents of minor children have full responsibility for their child’s use of the Library’s Internet workstations. Parents have full control over whether or not their children have access to the Internet through the type of Library card they possess. Children under the age of eleven (11) must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian while using the Library’s Internet terminals. Parents are encouraged to discuss with their children the hazards of releasing personal information across the Internet.
General Information Regarding Library Workstations
Use may begin at 9:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday. All users will be automatically logged off fifteen minutes prior to closing of each business day.
No advanced reservations for use will be taken. Computer use is first come, first serve.
There is a 60-minute time limit if other users are waiting.
No more than two people may be seated at a computer workstation.
There is a maximum usage of three hours per day per person.
Staff will gladly assist users but cannot provide extensive instruction. During certain hours of operation, staff time is severely limited.
All users are required to log onto a workstation using their library barcode number.
All users are required to be in good standing with their accounts: 1) no overdue materials that cannot be renewed, and 2) no charges of $5.00 or more in outstanding fines and lost book charges on their or family relationship accounts.
Users may purchase flash drives and burnable CD-ROMs from the Mustang Public Library. Flash drives are $12.00 apiece, and CD-ROMs are $1.00 per item.
Printed copies are $0.10 per page.
Printed color copies are $0.50 per page.
Failure to Comply With Regulations
Failure to comply with the Public Computer and Internet Use Policy and Agreement will result in the loss of computer and Internet privileges and possible legal action.
Users are financially responsible if noncompliance results in damage to Library computers, equipment and software. A bill for technical support, repair and replacement of equipment/software will be issued to the user.
Any illegal use will be reported to the proper authorities.*
Loss of computer and Internet privileges may be appealed to the Mustang Library Board for review and consideration.