
Friends of the Mustang Public Library Bylaws



Article I  Name 

The name of the organization shall be “Friends of the Mustang Public Library, Inc.” a nonprofit organization incorporated in the state of Oklahoma (hereafter referred to as “Friends”). Its principal location shall be in the City of Mustang, Canadian County, Oklahoma. 

Article II  Purpose 

SECTION 1. The specific purpose of the Friends is to receive contributions for, make donations to, and to otherwise support the Mustang Public Library. 

SECTION 2. Furthermore, Friends functions to: 

2.2.1 Maintain an association of persons interested in supporting the Mustang Public Library.

2.2.2 Focus public attention on the Mustang Public Library to develop support for the library’s normal activities, and when appropriate, to increase funds necessary for physical expansion. 

2.2.3 Support and assist the Mustang Public Library in developing library services. 

2.2.4 Stimulate the use of the Mustang Public Library’s resources and services by sponsoring external programs and information strategies, e.g. authors’ presentations, adult reading groups, lectures by subject matter experts. 

2.2.5 Receive and encourage gifts, endowments, and bequests to support Friends activities. 

Article III   Membership 

SECTION 1. Membership shall be open to the general public, and shall consist of the following categories of membership: 

3.1.1  Individual & Family: Any individual or family in the general public desiring to be a member of Friends. Members will be subject to annual dues requirements as detailed in Article III, Section 5. 

3.1.2  Business: Any business organization in the general public desiring to be a member of Friends. Members will be subject to annual dues requirements as detailed in Article III, Section 5. 

SECTION 2. Application for membership shall be submitted to the principal location of Friends. Acceptance of new members shall be made by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Board may establish other Member categories and Member qualifications that it deems appropriate, and the Board may change or eliminate any Member category or Member qualification that it deems appropriate with a majority vote of the Board. 

SECTION 3. Membership may not be transferred from one individual or family to another individual or family. 

SECTION 4. Membership can be terminated at any time through a written notification to the Board of Directors. The termination date shall be on or before 30 days after receiving the notification. Any member indebted to Friends for more than 90 days shall be terminated. 

SECTION 5. Dues 

3.5.1 Dues may be determined by the Board at its annual meeting each year or at any special meeting of the Board. 

3.5.2 Dues are paid annually and shall be due on or before January 31 of each year. 

3.5.3 Dues are for the current calendar year only. No prorated time period will be calculated. 

Article IV   Officers 

SECTION 1. The officers of Friends shall be President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Correspondence Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, and Library Director. These officers comprise the Board of Directors. The Library Director or designated representative serves as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors with duties and responsibilities identical to those of any other Board member, including the right to vote, quorum determination, and duty to attend meetings. 

SECTION 2.  The Board of Directors shall be the administrative board of Friends and shall have the power and authority to do and perform all actions and functions not inconsistent with the bylaws. 

4.2.1 President shall preside at all meetings and shall have such usual powers of supervision as may pertain to this office and the affairs of Friends. The President shall have the authority to appoint committees and shall be an ex-officio member of such committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee. 

4.2.2 Vice-President shall assist the President in all matters requested. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties and powers of that office. In the event of a permanent absence of the President for any reason, the Vice-President shall serve the remainder of the term. 

4.2.3 Recording Secretary shall keep a permanent and accurate record of all business transacted at each meeting of members and the Board of Directors. 

4.2.4 Correspondence Secretary shall conduct and maintain the correspondence of Friends and the Board of Directors. 

4.2.5 Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of Friends in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. This includes, but is not limited to, preparing, signing, and filing tax returns and registration forms. 

4.2.6 Membership Secretary shall oversee plans and programs that grow and maintain the membership. This officer maintains an up-to-date membership roster with contact information and status of dues. 

4.2.7 Library Director shall advise the Board on all matters impacting the purpose and function of the library.

SECTION 3. Election of Officers: 

4.3.1 All officers shall be elected for one-year terms by simple majority at the annual Membership meeting and shall serve without compensation. Friends members shall have the right to vote as set forth in these bylaws on the election of officers. Business membership shall have one vote. Family membership shall have a maximum of two votes. Members must be at least 18 years of age in order to vote. 

4.3.2 Election of officers shall be from the candidate slate presented by the Nominating Committee, which is composed of no fewer than three nor more than five members appointed by the President during the November Board Meeting. 

4.3.3 No full-time library employee nor member of the Mustang Library Board may hold office in the Friends. 

SECTION 4. Vacancy or Removal: 

4.4.1 In the event an officer is unwilling or unable to fulfill the full-term obligation of the office, the officer should submit notification to the Board of Directors. The officer shall remain on the Board of Directors for thirty days after the notification or until an approved individual has assumed the duties of that office for the remainder of the term. 

4.4.2 Any officer absent from more than half of the Board of Directors meetings in a six-month period shall constitute a vacancy unless the remaining board members determine the absences were unavoidable. 

4.4.3 Any officer or director may be removed by a vote of three-fourths of the members present at a Board of Directors meeting in which a quorum exists. 

4.4.4 Any office deemed vacant, other than President, shall be fulfilled by an individual appointed by the President. If the office of President is deemed vacant, the Vice-President shall fulfill the remainder of the term. 

Article V   Meetings 

SECTION 1. Monthly Meetings 

5.1.1 Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be the first Monday of each month, with a minimum of six (6) meetings each calendar year. Should the Monday fall on a holiday, inclement weather, or if quorum is not met, the meeting will be rescheduled for the immediate following Monday or another day agreed upon by the majority of the Board. 

5.1.2 Notice of a Board members meeting may be called by the President or Vice President. Notice of each regular meeting shall be given by mail, telephone, or email at least four days before the time set for the meeting. Members of the Board may participate in meetings via telephone or internet conferencing, as long as all participating Board members can hear one another. 

5.1.3  Accurate minutes of any meeting of or committee(s) shall be maintained as required by paragraph 4.2.3 of these bylaws by the Recording Secretary or other designated officer. 

SECTION 2. The annual meeting of the entire membership of the organization shall be held in January of each calendar year. The Board of Directors shall determine the date and location of the annual meeting. Election of officers shall be held at the meeting, and as long as proper notice has been given, any amendments to bylaws may be considered. Notice of each annual meeting shall be given to each member by email, mail, or telephone no less than twenty days before the meeting. Notice shall specify date, time, place, and the business to be transacted. 

SECTION 3. Additional meetings of the membership may be called by the President, any two officers, or by one-third of the membership in good standing, upon giving written notice to the Board of Directors. Notice of each special meeting shall be given to each Board member by email, mail, or telephone no less than 48 hours prior to the meeting. 

SECTION 4. More than half of the officers currently serving on the Board of Directors is deemed to be a quorum--vacant positions are not considered. A quorum is required for the transaction of business that requires a vote at any Board of Directors meeting. If board members abstain or are not present, a decision wins only if it receives more than half of the total possible votes--counting absentees and abstentions.

SECTION 5. Robert’s Rules of Orders (as revised) shall govern Friends where applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws. 

SECTION 6. Proposing motions and conducting voting via electronic media, e.g. email, text, telephonic conference call, video teleconference: Any currently serving officer may propose a properly formed motion and place it before all of the officers for a second to the motion and subsequent vote. A motion wins when, after any discussion, it receives more than half of the total possible officer votes (a quorum). The recording secretary will document the action and report it via memorandum for record at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Article VI   Committees 

SECTION 1. The Board of Directors may authorize committees consistent with the purpose and resources of the Friends. Committee membership is open to any member of the Friends. 

SECTION 2. Standing Committees: 

6.2.1 The Budget & Finance Committee is composed of the Treasurer as Chairman and two additional members appointed by the Board of Directors. The Committee shall prepare an annual budget during the fourth quarter for the next calendar year. Typically, it is approved by the Board of Directors in that quarter but not later than the next annual meeting. 

6.2.2 The Bylaws Committee is composed of the Recording Secretary as Chairman and two additional members appointed by the Board of Directors. In accordance with Article VIII, the committee shall perform a bi-annual review of the bylaws and propose any necessary changes for adoption at the next annual meeting of the Board. The Committee may also receive and present for further discussion bylaw changes proposed by the general membership. 

SECTION 3. The President, with the approval of the Board, may appoint Ad Hoc committees as needed to carry out actions of the Friends. 

Article VII   Funds and Liability 

SECTION 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Friends shall not carry on any activities not permitted (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or (b) by any organization, whose contributions are deductible under section 170(c)(2). 

SECTION 2. All funds shall be deposited to the account of the Friends. Any withdrawal from the account shall require two signatures of either President, Vice President, or Treasurer upon the approval of the Board. 

SECTION 3. The treasurer will provide an up-to-date Statement of Financial Position and Activities at each monthly meeting. 

SECTION 4. No member of the organization shall be liable except for unpaid dues, and no personal liability shall be attached to any member in connection with any of its undertakings. 

SECTION 5. No part of the net earnings of the Friends shall be used for the benefit of any member, officer, or private individual, except for reimbursement or compensation for services or goods rendered to the Friends and approved by the Board. 

SECTION 6. In the event of dissolution of the organization, the assets of the Friends shall be transferred to the Friends’ Endowment Fund administered by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation (or its non-profit or charity successor), in keeping with IRS rules and regulations. 

Article VIII   Amendments 

SECTION 1. These bylaws shall be reviewed bi-annually. 

SECTION 2. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the membership present and voting at the Annual Meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) is included in the notice of the meeting. Bylaws may also be amended at any specially called meeting provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) is included in the notice of the meeting.


Reviewed and approved as amended and revised by a two-thirds majority vote. 

Amended 01/09/2006
Amended 01/09/2012
Amended 09/28/2012
Amended 01/09/2023
Amended 01/06/2025