Special Event Permits
Any event such as a fundraiser, race, festival or block party will need a Special Events Permit. This includes the use of any type of outdoor speaker, public address system or live music. Since every event is unique please call the Community Development Department in advance to determine the requirements for your event. Some events may require a number of permits from various City departments depending on the size and nature of the event.
Applications must be submitted to the Community Development Department at least two weeks before the scheduled event date, if you are serving alcohol at the event please submit your special event permit 30 days in advance, events serving alcohol must go through a more in-depth review.
Once a completed application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the fire department, police department and the Community Development Department. Applicants will be contacted as soon as the permit has been reviewed by all departments.
Start by contacting the Community Development Department in advance to facilitate the process at 376-9873 or by email to Melissa Helsel
Submit a completed Special Events Permit application, the application can be found online or in person at City Hall, and include any other required documents to 1501 N. Mustang Rd.
Chapter 78 of the Code of the City of Mustang describes a variety of offenses relative to disturbing others.The city manager or his designee may issue a permit for the use or operation of any device designed for sound production, amplification, or reproduction, including but not limited to any radio, musical instrument, phonograph, television set, tape recorder, loudspeaker, or other similar device which sound may meet or exceed that otherwise prohibited by Chapter 78. This only applies if the applicant can show that such use or operation is related to a special event; that the applicant has taken or will take reasonable steps to minimize the disruption to others not involved in the event; and that the special event is of a temporary or transient nature limited in time. The decision of the city manager shall be final. The permit shall be specific in scope reciting the time(s) and date(s) of the event.
Supporting Documents
Special Event Permit (98 KB)