Alarm System Licensing
Security System Application
City regulations require every alarm user to display a permit sticker on the front of any facility containing such alarm so that such stickers will be readily noticeable and available for viewing by police, fire and/or other emergency personnel responding to an alarm. Stickers must be obtained prior the alarm's activation activation. A permit application for a burglary, robbery, holdup or fire alarm user's permit and a fee as set forth in Section 42-34 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Mustang for up to three types of systems at each residence, business or other facility, except as excluded by this article, shall be filed with the city.
Alarm businesses may pay the fee on behalf of the user when the permit is obtained. If the alarm business does not pay the fee, the alarm business shall provide an application and notice of fee to the user. The fee must be paid and the application submitted prior to use. Each additional type of system beyond the first three noted in this section shall be subject to an additional fee as set forth in Section 42-34.
An alarm system for a publicly owned and operated facility, and persons 62 years of age or older whose alarm system is installed on the lot or parcel hosting their primary permanent residence, shall be subject to the provisions of this article; however, a permit may be issued without payment of the fee provided for in this section.
A transfer fee as set forth in Section 42-34 will be charged if there is a change of occupancy resulting in a change in the identification of the user. This charge will not be assessed if one of the users on the application remains at the residence (for example, situations involving death or divorce). The permit application shall include information as to the identification of the user, the number of and type of alarms installed, the alarm company providing the service, the monitoring agent, and numbers to be called if an emergency shall occur. Any changes to the original registration and/or information provided in the application must be reported to the city alarm administrator within 30 days of such changes, or within 30 days of the effective date of the ordinance from which this article is derived for users having applications on file needing changes. Failure to make such notification within 30 days shall constitute a violation of this article.
Permits are also required for audible alarms and alarms with automatic dialing devices attached. This provision does not pertain to alarm systems installed within motor vehicles. Each approved application and permit shall bear the signature of the city clerk or his designee.
Supporting Documents
Security System Application (33 KB)